So, day 3 of the master cleanse, and so far, so good. I hear the first three days are the hardest and I am only now beginning to see that. Today, I want food. It's funny, the first two days, I hardly desired solid food at all. But, today is a different story. I want it. It's not a burning desire, but it's there. The cleanse is suddenly real to me. The commitment is suddenly huge. I am really throwing myself into this and it's not a picnic! (and if it was, it would suck...I mean a picnic with no food!)
So, yeah, I am craving dried fruit for some reason. Literally, the thought of dried cherries, raisins, dates, and prunes has got me salivating! I don't even know why. And I am also craving chocolate, dark and rich...holy crap, a combination of the two!! Chocolate covered dried fruit...oh god, I've gotten myself worked up into quite the frenzy now.
I woke up at 6 AM this morning with a burst of energy, I wanted to go running. Instead of acting on this, I crawled back into bed and forced myself to sleep until 7:30 AM...I got nervous I would run out of steam and I'm working both jobs today so I won't be off until 11 or 12...so I forced myself back into the sack. The energy felt nice, though. It felt real. It wasn't fueled by anything but myself, my core, if that makes any sense...
Other reactions: my head feels funny today ( a combo of a headache, dizziness, and an inability to focus) and I have been in the bathroom on the regular. Literally, it's been exhausting.
I have read a lot about the clarity and insight one can gain from cleansing/fasting and I am very excited to explore and experience the spiritual part of the cleanse. I'll keep you updated, don't you worry, my lil blog-o.
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