People are like mirrors, they really are! I am a firm believer in the idea that you know yourself through other people. I have been out of touch with a dear friend of mine and as of late, we have been catching up via g-mail (mmmm g-mail, i salivate just thinking about you!). Anyways, it's crazy the way people's lives keep on going even when you aren't around. Things change, places change, people change, relationships change. Getting back in touch with her has reminded me of all these things and it makes me aware of things that are going on in my own life. Even when we can convince ourselve otherwise, things are impermanent, nothing is for certain, and we can never truly know anything. It's all perception. It's all what, when, and how you can handle things. Sometimes it seems right, sometimes it's not, and sometimes it changes into something else. But how do you handle that? I guess you have to adapt..be self-serving or self-preserving for that matter. But you know what else? You have to take risks. I think that is truly important. You have to challenge yourself. You even have to make the wrong decisions. Sometimes you have to learn the hard way, but who said that is a bad thing? I think it is a beautiful process. All of life, the highs and lows, in the end, are good for us. They make us who we are. Especially the hard times, I think this is when we really learn, when we really build our foundation, when we become truly rooted in ourselves. This is the energy that drives us. For fuck sake, it's the same energy that drags us down. But you know what they say, energy may neither be created nor destroyed, it just turns into something else. So what I keep telling myself (and you what you need to keep telling yourself) is that everything will change and become what it is supposed to become. However, there is one rule of thumb: you have to be level-headed and think things out. If you do that, you can't go wrong. My Dad (what a wise man!) once said to me, "Kathleen, patience and reason go a long way, and as you develop practical capabilities in both, you will experience true human happiness." That meant so much to me. It literally put my life in focus. So I'm passing it on. It's a simple, kinda obvious statement, but those are the best kinds, aren't they?
1 comment:
physical and material life does continually change...but are we as humans with our minds and conciousness bound by material and perceptual chaos... since we crave and sense the need for something more certain, real and permanent then such a thing probably exists...maybe its the human destiny or journey to find and understand the permanent Truth and Knowledge behind and far beyond mere changing perceptions...as Doestovsky once famously said " If there is no God, then everything is allowable"...or as Einstein once said "God does not play dice with the Universe".
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