Sometimes something happens and all of a sudden, you are transported to a different place and time. You are back where you were years ago. You are in your memories and they are suddenly so much a part of who you are. A friend of mine passed away this week, very suddenly and very sadly, and when I heard the news, it stirred up things inside me that I hadn't felt or even thought about in many, many years. I blinked my eyes and I was back in my hometown; years back, remembering John and all the people, places, and things affiliated with him. And now, here we are, a short time later, and we have all moved on; everything still remains, but it has passed and is different...and now he, too, is gone. Things change in a flash, and become fleeting memories. It really makes you think about the fragility of life. About the beauty that one second in time holds. About appreciation. About giving thanks for every single thing you have. It makes me want to run home and just be with the people I grew up with. As we get older, our lives start to take on a life of their own; we mature into an older version of ourselves. We become who we are, with the aim of actualizing our full potential. But, where we come from and who we were before this transformation is just as important as the transformation itself because it roots us in ourselves. It's a part of us. We are all intertwined in eachother's lives and when one of those life lines is unexpectedly and tragicly torn out, it is a serious wake-up call.
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