Work, work, work. Weather(warm), Weather(warm), weather(warm). It might just be me, but the two canNOT coexist together. I have been trying to get outside as much as possible to soak up the wonderful weather. Today I had lunch outside. Sure, it seems like a novel idea, but let's break it down. The weather was immaculate, yes, that much is true, but I was limited to two pretty scary picnic table options. The first very slanted and a bit rotted and the second very much tilted since it was placed in the middle of a hill. I opted for the ladder and therefore had to secure my salad and water the whole time...for fear that it would slip off into the abyss of pesticide ridden landscape. Oh, did I mention there were yellow signs all over the grass with pesticide warnings all over them? Have no fear, my dear, they have been there for 2 days now...so the 24-hour period had already lapsed. Anyways, the splattering of yellow flags everywhere really set the mood. Plus for some reason, unbeknowest to me, there were flies everywhere!! So imagaine this, me slanted on a rickety picnic table, grasping onto my salad and drink/swatting flies, all the while trying to eat admist a flagged danger zone. Quite the scene, let me tell you. So there's a tid bit of my day. Just a little insight into my exciting lunch time drama.
next time u should eat lunch on the roof
who let the dogs out?? who who who who
kerry ann, why did you wait another 2 weeks to bark at me? better yet, why did i wait a month to ask you this? hm
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